What makes you happy

Gor Zhamharyan
4 min readFeb 22, 2022


Imagine you wake up early, full of energy, to see the sunrise. The street in front of your house is quiet. The water reflects the reddish-pink sky with some clouds on the horizon. People are still asleep, so you have the whole universe just to yourself. You have a cup of great coffee with a bit of dark chocolate. You enjoy every second of this moment. Wouldn’t this make you happy?

The sun rises. The day begins.

Some of the texts I write here are easy and can be born within 30 minutes. Other ones can take months until I decide if they are worth publishing. I have started this text many times, but once my mood changes, I shift my attention to something else, and the text gets lost in the unfinished drafts. So maybe this shall be a daily diary? Just put all thoughts in one place — every day.


These days I think a lot about different topics. I sometimes feel stuck in my head, feeling that there are no correct answers to all questions that I have. It’s like wandering around the forest on a foggy afternoon — you kind of know where you want to be in “n” amount of time, you kind of know the path on how to reach there, but the fog makes it hard to keep on the right track. Although, the irony is that the mist is usually quite calming. And silent.

I feel like being in a fog sometimes.

I believe that the universe brings you what you truly want. And everyone you meet, every challenge you get, and every opportunity you have are there for you to make you stronger as a person. However, the “universe bringing what you want” is a very sneaky concept if you don’t know what you want. What makes you happy. What makes you wake up every morning with a smile on your face. What makes you do what you do. And to understand what do you want, you need to be able to answer a few questions:

  • How and where can you find your true passion.
  • How to set and reach your goals.
  • What are you good at. What are you bad at.
  • What kind of people inspire you.
  • What makes you happy.

Once you know these — the universe will bring you all you wish for.
As for myself — I know, kind of, what can make me happy. It can be a small thing — like watching a sunrise I mentioned earlier with a great cup of coffee. Or dancing a dance, I like with a great partner that feels you. Or making a nice dinner and eating it yourself with a fantastic musical background and candlelight. Or talking to people and uncovering their fabulous stories.

Or seeing how my closest people succeed with what they do.

Every time I hear how some of my great friends have reached one of their goals makes me smile and be happy for them. Because I know the path, they were through. And, of course, if they are happy — I am happy as well. So when they reach their goals — they inspire me to reach mine. The only thing I wish for these days is that these success stories would be remembered and recorded. Including not just the fact of success itself, but also the path — ups and downs. People involved. The motivation behind it. What was the driving factor in reaching the goal.

There are so many exciting stories to tell to be remembered.

This is only one of the things that makes me happy. However, there’s so much more to this and all other questions that are in my head right now that it will require more time and talks with different people to find the answers.

But for now…

Imagine a perfect evening. There was a beautiful sunset not that long ago. You’ve had a great day, full of action, and you have ticked all the boxes that you wanted to do today. You feel tired but tired in a good way. You are ready to relax. You turn on a cozy, dimmed light near the sofa, sit down with a cup of hot chocolate, and watch something you like the most. Or you read a book. Or listen to your favorite music. The day comes to an end. You are still happy.



Gor Zhamharyan

An Entrepreneurship graduate trying to find his own place in the world by reading, listening, writing and talking with awesome people.